Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Freedom is not free

VA Western NY Health Care System at Batavia, NY
The Price of Freedom is visible here.
Call a veteran right now and tell him or her "Thank you." I mean it. Do it. I don't want to hear your reasons why you can't. Think of one person you know has served our military and say it.
Clapping in church on Sunday was not enough.
P.S. Thanks, Dad.
And Uncle Cliff and Uncle Ivan and Uncle Stephen and Tim and Ben.


Deb said...

Found your blog from Northview Diary. Love your photo, weapon and adorable baby in hand :)

Thanks so much for your Veterans Day post.... If just one person makes a call to a vet, it will be worth it. So many are never remembered or given any thanks at all for serving with honor and pride.

A Proud American Vet

DayPhoto said...

I love your blog and your photos. So because of that I was wondering if I could link your blog to my blog?


Rebz said...

Absolutely Linda! That would be awesome.
I will update my blogroll too.

About Me

About Me
I love Jesus, my hubby, my 6 kiddos, my farm, good books and good food.