Friday, October 31, 2008

This story is most likely made-up, but accurate nonetheless.
"The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade. The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest. I decided we would have an election for a class president. We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members. We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have. We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.
The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia’s mother. The day arrived when they were to make their speeches. Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best. Every one applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise. She said, “If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream.” She sat down. The class went wild. “Yes! Yes! We want ice cream.”
She surely would say more. She did not have to. A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn’t sure. Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it. She didn’t know. The class really didn’t care. All they were thinking about was ice cream. Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a land slide.
Every time Barack Obama opens his mouth he offers ice cream, and fifty percent of America reacts like nine year olds. They want ice cream. The other fifty percent know they’re going to have to feed the cow."


Pamela said...

I'd rather feed the cow then continue to pay for a never-ending, purposeless war that has already caused millions of needless deaths.

And really? The cow needs to be fed, no matter if there's free ice cream or not. We are living in a great big barn where there are systems in place to make sure the cows get fed, and the cows are going to continue to be fed. That is how the barn works.

And that's all I'm going to say about that.

Rebz said...

LOL Pamela.
Sometimes I think about posting stuff like this just to get you riled up. Of course, to go on with your analogy- I think there should be a separation of barn and state.
Because, honestly why is anyone going to get a job and buy a cow when they can get the ice cream for free?

Pamela said...
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Pamela said...

ha ha ha.

Because everybody knows that free ice cream is a treat and doesn't come around every day even though they want ice cream every day so then they try to figure out ways to GET THE ICE CREAM they desire and most people will scramble to get the ice cream and the other ones? well they get ice cream once in a while, but they only get the STORE BRAND not the Edy's with the Girl Scout Cookies, and not the whole tub only a baby spoon size.

And the barn and the state cannot be separated because the barn IS the state. To illustrate? the barn's BANKING SYSTEM based entirely on speculation that is now in some crazy state of upheval because some smarty pants thought it would be good to separate the barn's banking system and the state. And now some of the cows can't afford the straw they poop on.

How *do* you spell upheval? D-E-R-E-G-U-L-A-T-I-O-N? Yes/No? Hmmm. I should look it up.

The cows in the barn will remain in the barn with food. Because the bottom line is this: Cows go in barns. Cows get fed in barns. Cows need the barn.

Rebz said...

You get points for being very witty, but I still disagree quite strongly. I believe that the people who can afford a cow should fulfill their Christian duty and invite people who don't have cows over for free ice cream. But that no big pointy-fingered uncle should be involved. And he shouldn't have any financial ties to my barn.
Luckily our views on real cows are much more similar. LOL.

Pamela said...

So when are you making me ice cream? That's the real question here.

Rebz said...

Let's see. Monday?

Anonymous said...

Great analogy!!! Great discussion girls! My 2 cents... I think we have too many 'victims' in this world who think they deserve the ice cream, all the time, every day. And all those who have a barn with a cow are "rich" and "lucky". Those with the barn and cow know how to manage the barn and cow, and have ice cream as a treat, once in awhile. Those with no barn and cow could've most likely (had the barn and cow) if they would've applied themselves to society by going to school, getting a job, overcoming their obstacles, but instead choose to hold out their hand - gimme - because they would rather blame some one else than themselves! So those rich and lucky people should dole out that ice cream.
I think I already given enough ice cream to Uncle Sam. I'd rather give some ice cream of my own choosing, thank you. Besides, everyone is a victim of something - big or small. Maybe it's time for our nation to stop enabling and start dealing, healing. Even God tells us to get rid of the old so that we can make way for the new! So on that note... here's to better days. And great ice cream from Joce.... but not every day hahahahaa!!

Pamela said...

Even God tells us to get rid of the old so that we can make way for the new!

Let's hope that happens on Tuesday!

And we could come over later on Monday. I have to go to Rochester to get microphones for the two musicals Jon is running sound for this week. Another day would be better.

Rebz said...

You let me know what day will work for you this week.

Pamela said...

Thursday or Friday? On Wednesday I have to go to kindergarten to get my butt slapped again. I mean, to help with centers. That's what I mean.

About Me

About Me
I love Jesus, my hubby, my 6 kiddos, my farm, good books and good food.