Monday, January 23, 2012


I don't know if anyone else sees, it, but I think Anastasija looks like my mom. And, it doesn't surprise me that God would give me the small gift of seeing a physical resemblance there. I hope there is more than just a physical resemblance- for myself, as well as for Anastasija. It's good to look like my mom, it's even better have some of her strength.

Because, I learned the lessons of caring for and speaking up for the marginalized of society from my mother. It makes sense to me that I would think of that today, my birthday, and the date of this year's Life March. Because those things have to do with my mom. She gave me life, and then she taught me to respect it- all of it. I remember her making signs to take to local Life Chains, and I remember well our trip to Washington, D.C. one January to speak out againt the violence toward women and chilren that Roe v. Wade legalized. 

Before that, I vaguely remember her as a foster mom to teen girls when I was very little. I remember her home being open to people who needed a safe place to stay. Later in her life she provided respite care for kids in foster care. She allowed God to use her home and family to accomplish His plan for setting the lonely in families.

My mother put energy and effort into protecting and advocating and caring for those who cannot help themselves. Truly, the theme of caring for the fatherless comes to mind- unwanted babies who are not yet born, and kids in the foster system.

I am glad that Anastasija looks like my mom (at least to me). I hope she lives up to her looks and her given name- the breaker of the chains. Because to break chains you need to have two things: strength and compassion. My mother had a good dose of both, and hope I've got some of it- enough to pass on to my daughters.



Hanna said...

You don't need to hope for those things, Joce. You've already got it. Strength and compassion, that is. Your mom gave you a legacy. I hope I can do the same for my daughters.
And also, I cried. Because YOU wrote "Daughters."
You have daughters!!!
I'm not sure when exactly I started seeing Anastasija as your actual daughter. But somehow it happened. We woke up one day, and she just was... I think it was a while ago...
Then I pondered on this. God has had her as your daughter, since... the beginning of time!!! And He has waited for such a time as this. And I am SO blessed to be able to witness it.

Ruth said...

Beautiful! Thanks for sharing more of the story . SHE DOES look like your mom! I love reading your blog. It encourages my heart!

About Me

About Me
I love Jesus, my hubby, my 6 kiddos, my farm, good books and good food.