I didn't let Brilyn do it, although she obviously has talent in the cosmotology area.
The cool thing is, I went to Transformations in LeRoy like I always do, and who is there to cut my hair, but Heidi Kollarik! YAY! And, no offense to others who have cut my hair in the past, but, she did an absolutely fabulous job, really the best short hair cut I have ever had. I must recommend her.
My kids like to ride the vaccuum, and they are really cute, so here is a picture of that.
I love living on our little ten acre patch. There are so many really cool things about it. Here's a new one- we have black cherry trees. And they produced like crazy this year.
So, besides the gallons of cherry coridal we made (bet you want to come to my house around Christmas, don't ya?) I made a really quite beautiful cherry pie. I have never made one before in my life, so you have to understand how proud I am. And, it tasted as good as it looked.
And, I set it on the window sill to cool.
And then Joe took my picture. He didn't take it the way it appears here (ahem). I um, cropped it because my face didn't look very good. And that's the truth. So note to self and anyone else who has never pitted cherries by hand before...they spit at you. DON"T WEAR A WHITE SHIRT! Nasty little buggers.
Here's the recipe for the pie: Never mind, it was too good, I can't tell you.
And finally, please vote on Cade's hair...
Thanks folks!