Monday, December 29, 2008
Pretend Crabs
We were at the King buffet in Amsterdam last Friday and Brilyn busted out with this- "Mommy, I need a bath. I am stinky and I have pretend crabs."
So that's all I'll say for now.
PS More about our lovely Christmas later.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Christmas is coming...
Here comes Christmas!
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Oooh! Little Banditos! Or, Photo Meme.
AH ! Baby bandits. And by bandits I mean chicken killers, but I won't go there today, what with the oh-so-cute mug shot looming above.
Joe handed me a broom with which to tap softly and by that I mean pound like a deranged washerwoman on the ceiling whilst he headed out the door with a hoe. One for potatoes, or weeding the garden in case anyone was wondering. And so I pounded the ceiling to scare the little buggers out to the opening in the rafters, and Joe used the hoe to snag and pull the dastardly punks out into the open. And thus we learned where the eggs were going. And also had a lot of fun playing with the little cuties. I mean very naughty chicken killing thieves.
But, there are cute. And I couldn't let Joe kill them. So he put them in a tree in the woods, so they could grow up and them we can kill them when they start harassing our chickens. You can see the logic there, right?
My uncle had a pet coon once, and he was cute too, for about 6 months. And then he just got mean. Plain ornery. That is my disclaimer to any of you who thought, "Boy, if I ever caught such cute little critters, I would keep them and love them and feed them and dress them in cute clothes and hug them and kiss them and love them and keep them for ever and ever and call them my very own widdle wovey waccoons," They are mean and ornery, be ye warned. So. On to the video.
Now, to meme.
Meme yourself like I did. Just say to yourself, I would like to do that! That sounds like fun. And then do it, and link your post to my blog. And let me know about it, and I will link to your blog. Lotsalinkin.
And so while I was waiting for this stupid video to post, I checked my email and found these very punny jokes waiting for me. My foravite is nebmur terhe.
1. Two antennas met on a roof, fell in love and got married. Theceremony wasn't much, but the reception was excellent.
2. A jumper cable walks into a bar. The bartender says, 'I'll serve you, but don't start anything.
3. A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
4. A man walks into a bar with a slab of asphalt under his arm, and says: 'A beer please, and one for the road.
5. Two cannibals are eating a clown. One says to the other: 'Does this taste funny to you?
6. Two cows are standing next to each other in a field. Daisy says to Dolly, 'I was artificially inseminated this morning.' 'I don't believe you,' says Dolly. 'It's true; no bull!' exclaims Daisy.
7. An invisible man marries an invisible woman. The kids werenothing to look at either.
8. Deja Moo: The feeling that you've heard this bull before.
9. I went to buy some camouflage trousers the other day, but Icouldn't find any.
10. A man woke up in a hospital after a serious accident. He shouted, 'Doctor, doctor, I can't feel my legs!' The doctor replied, 'I know you can't - I've cut off your arms!
11. I went to a seafood disco last week...and pulled a mussel.
12. What do you call a fish with no eyes? A fsh.
13. Two fish swim into a concrete wall. The one turns to the other and says, 'Dam!'
14. Two Eskimos sitting in a kayak were chilly, so they lit afire in the craft. Unsurprisingly it sank, proving once again that you can't have your kayak and heat it too.
15. A group of chess enthusiasts checked into a hotel, and were standing in the lobby discussing their recent tournament victories. After about an hour, the manager came out of the office, and asked them to disperse. 'But why,' they asked, as they moved off. 'Because,' he said, 'I can't stand chess-nuts boasting in an open foyer.'
16. A woman has twins, and gives them up for adoption. One of them goes to a family in Egypt, and is named 'Ahmal.' The other goes toa family in Spain; they name him 'Juan.' Years later, Juan sends a picture of himself to his birth mother. Upon receiving the picture, she tells her husband that she wishes she also had a picture of Ahmal. Her husband responds, 'They're twins! If you've seen Juan, you've seenAhmal.
17. Mahatma Gandhi, as you know, walked barefoot most of the time, which produced an impressive set of calluses on his feet. He also ate very little, which made him rather frail and with his odd diet, he suffered from bad breath. This made him...... A super-calloused fragile mystic hexed by halitosis.
18. And finally, there was the person who sent almost twenty different puns to friends, with the hope that at least one in ten of the puns would make them laugh. No pun in ten did.
For all you hard of reading individuals, an update on color of text. Which never was red by the way, but for those of you who thought it was, you won't be able to read this anyway. LOL.
Monday, December 15, 2008
Last night Joe asked me to cut his hair. This is something that has not been done since October. The first week of October. Because, once hunting season commences, there are no more hair cuts for Joe. Because, number one, he is not in the house long enough to get it cut, and number two, he takes hunting season as a chance to get back to nature in his grooming habits, (ie. he becomes a very manly man), and number three, the beard and mucho hairdo keep him warm. So anyway, last night was the night to remove the 'do. And the beard. Because, our freezer is now full.
Now to the funny bit. This morning Cade woke up at 6:00 and I put him in our bed to keep him warm while I went down to get him a bottle. After I set him down, he started crawling over to snuggle Joe. And then stopped dead halfway there. He looked at Joe, looked at me, pointed to Joe and said "Dat." Which means, loosely interpretted, "What the hell is that?" I said, "Cade, go hug your daddy." He, being Cade, responded by looking up at the walls, the ceiling, the foot of the bed, anywhere but at Joe. Finally Joe just pulled him over for a snuggle and Cade allowed himself to be hugged. But he wouldn't look at Joe for anything.
Skip ahead an hour or so, Cade is still giving Joe the cold shoulder and calling him "baby" (now that's just funny right there, I don't care who you are) when Joe asks him for a hug good-bye. Cade starts to come over to Joe, and then, seeing his naked naked face, turns around and backs in for his hug. Pretty much communicating, "You sound and feel like my dad whom I would hug, but, dude, I just can't look at you." Funny thing, that's how I felt all during hunting season.
So, that's one funny thing. One other funny thing was the episode of me trying to infect my children with the chicken pox virus. I have issues with vaccines, but that is not the point of this post, so I will skip the why and just get to the what. My friend Hanna, who won the cookies for knowing the source of "-A-R-T-why? because I gottaaaaa" was lucky enough to have one of her babies catch the pox from an unidentified source. When I heard this good news, I immediately invited them over for a play date. When they arrived, I stripped the babies down, scratched the poxies, and let natre take its course. (And, beforehand had instructed Brilyn to lick the baby with the pox. She took that to mean licking chicken pops, which is apparently some new frozen treat. When Hanna and babies arrived, I believe Brilyn was rather dissappointed in the actual form of chicken pops.) But, anyway. I also rubbed Hanna's baby all over both of my babies, all the while Joe was shouting, "I think chicken pox is naturally contagious and that is probably unnecessary and possibly illegal."
Anyway, enough about the chicken pops. I'll let you know if my babies get the pops or not. Should arrive on Christmas Eve if the incubation period turns out to be exactly 2 weeks. That will be kinda neat, don't you think?
Today I hope to fold two loads of laundry, cook three pumpkins, make a pie, freeze the rest, and put up my Christmas village, because, somehow, I haven't gotten to that yet.
Oh, one more thing, I am reading a book along with a great group of ladies at church. It is entitled "Authentic Faith" by Gary Thomas. So far I have read two and a half chapters, and it is already having influence on my daily living. It's cool.
Well, I smell smoke, and Brilyn has asked me about 40 times for some hot chocolate, so I better go attend to my household. And my toast is long gone, as is my coffee, so I really have no excuse to still be seated here.
FYI- I may be posting a bit less often, so please be patient and don't forget about me in my absenses.
Oh, and I will be writing more about our simple Christmas. Let's just say for now, my stress is lower that most other people's, and my bank account is happier.
And, I will post before and after pics of my hubby, so you can see why Cade was so weirded out.
Sunday, December 14, 2008
Well, Joe just got home and I am going to go spend some time with him. So that means not with you at the moment. But, hopefully I'll be back soon because I would hate to lose you my good friends and readers.
Monday, December 08, 2008
Winner winner chicken dinner
And your prize? A TOMMYGUN!
Not really. It's cookies, because tommyguns are illegal to give as gifts. So, Anonymous, please let me know who you are so I can get your cookies to you ASAP. Real homemade special Christmas cookies just for you. Tell Scarlet I DO give a damn, and tell me your name.
Okay, so I was looking for a clip on youtube to show you from The Mask, but I found a clip of Space Ghost instead, so that is what you get. Because it will give you a glimpse into my personality development. I used to watch this an awful lot and I realize the emphasis is on awful now that I am a grown up.
Here ya go:
Now, get outta here kid, you're bothering me.
Friday, December 05, 2008
Frugal Friday
Dear Lord, I pray for Wisdom to understand my man; Love to forgive him; And Patience for his moods. Because, Lord, if I pray for Strength, I'll beat him to death. AMEN
(I got that in an email that is supposed to be funny but instead ended up being inspiring. LOL.)
Now on to the frugal part.
My dear family and friends, Somewhat embarrassing to admit, I'm not getting an annual bonus and Christmas is tight this year. I will be making bedroom slippers for you all as gifts. Please let me know your sizes. You'll most likely agree that it's a splendid idea, and should you wish to do the same, I've included the instructions below. The choice of color of the slipper is somewhat limited, but I can accessorize with any color you like. How to make bedroom slippers out of maxi pads: You need four maxi pads to make a pair. Two of them get laid out flat, for the foot part. The other two wrap around the toe area to form the top. Tape or glue each side of the top pieces to the bottom of the foot part. Decorate the tops with whatever you desire: silk flowers, novelty pins, ribbons, etc. These slippers are: * Soft and Hygienic * Non-slip grip strips on the soles * Built in deodorant feature keeps feet smelling fresh * No more bending over to mop up spills * Disposable and biodegradable * Environmentally safe * Three convenient sizes: (1.) Regular, (2.) Light and (3.) Get out the Sand Bags. I've attached a photo of the first pair I made so that you can see the nifty slippers for yourself....

(I won't take credit for this, I received it in an email from Rory.)
Hope this helps you make it through the holiday season.
Thursday, December 04, 2008
Thankful Thursday
Anyway. So usually, Brilyn gets up with us (because somehow she is always in our bed by 6:30 a.m.). And, by the time we get back in the house, Cade is up too.
But today? I was able to milk, build a fire in the woodstove, make coffee, and do my devotions before they got up. And, as I was sitting in my living room in the quiet, I started to feel thankful. I was thankful for the smell of coffee, thankful for the aforementioned quiet, the warm glow of the fire, thankful for my precious (sleeping) children, thankful for the sugar maples outside my window (and for the syrup, of course), thankful for God's guiding hand and abiding presence in my life and all the resulting blessings. I didn't start out meaning to feel thankful, but that small moment of peace and quiet let my heart reflect on what is good in my life. Sometimes I forget to remember about the good things because the bad things often require my immediate attention.
So, I wanted to share the gift of a thankful spirit, and I encourage you to take a moment right now to think of just one thing for which you are thankful. And, if you would like, please share it here as a comment to this post.
May the peace of the season descend upon you today (even if it only lasts for 15 minutes).
And Kara wants to know what fruit of the spirit you are eating today. Go tell her about it.
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
You are now talking to someone who ain't got no homework to do and proper English be damned. And run-on sentences be praised and let's get out the beer and have some chips and dip which is something Brilyn was unfamiliar with but now likes excedingly.
Now there are a few things I will do:
Clean out my bookcase and replace all academic reading with trashy romance novels.
Read as many sappy Christmas romance novels as I can.
Make cookies.
Make supper.
Make more cookies.
Let Brilyn help me make cookies.
And, do this meme from Linda
Ten things from my daily life that begin with the letter P. She gave me my letter and if you want one, just ask me and I'll give you yours.
10 P things:
1. Pee. Cow pee, Brilyn pee, Cade pee. Although Clara's is most worth mentioning since there is a small lake in the barn each morning.
2. Po diddy. Po diddy got a hair cut. But he still has his ringlets in the back. It's a real mullet. I never would have pegged myself as the mother of a mullet, but his hair is just po diddy.
3. Pizza. We eat it a lot. I make it, I buy it, we eat it all the time. Ralph and Rosies, Picasso's. They are both too delicious to resist. And no one tops Rebisz pizza.
4. Poop. You should have seen that one coming. Somtimes I think I should have majored in poop instead of
5. Psychotherapy. Watch what you say in your comments, I may be analyzing you.
6. Probably not, my brain is constantly being reset by screaming children and requests for drinks.
7. Peanut butter. I hear there are terrible moldies and fungi in there, but I love it and so do my bobbins.
8. Panera. I used to go there EVERY WEEK to hang with Kara. Yeah, I don't get to do that any more for a number of reasons. But it was good while it lasted.
9. Pumpkin, a word I refuse to pronounce phonetically. Punkin is just so much more fun. They doesn't start with P, but for the record, I don't say grandma and grandpa right either. It's gramma and grampa.
10. P-A-R-T-why? Because I gotta!
Name the quote and win something. I'll let you know what it is when I think of something appropriate.
Okay, now don't forget to ask me for your letter so you can have some meme-ing fun too!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Raw Milk During Pregnancy
Anyway, from the Weston Price Foundation:
Modern Baby Books:Full of Bad Advice
By Lisa Bianco-Davis
Walk down the "Baby & Childbirth" section of any bookstore or library and you will be faced with a bewildering array of books aimed at the pregnant woman. These books are written by doctors, obstetricians, midwives, mothers. . . and others. Unfortunately none of the authors appears to have read the work of Weston A. Price.
My husband and I are expecting our first child later this year. Being a first-time mom who is familiar with the work of Dr. Price, I was naturally curious to see what the pregnancy books had to say on the matter of nutrition. So I went to our local library and checked out an armload of books. I was surprised, not by the variety of the advice between the different books, but by the consistency of the message. Many of the pregnancy books included the USDA food pyramid, and parroted government recommendations. And while some of their advice is useful, much of it is misleading or just plain wrong.
When Weston Price studied healthy traditional societies, he found that they placed a strong emphasis on the nutrition of couples prior to pregnancy and of women during pregnancy and lactation. The foods these societies considered absolutely essential for producing healthy children were seafood (fish and shellfish, fish organs, fish liver oils and fish eggs), organ meats, insects, animal fats, egg yolks, whole milk, cheese and butter from cows eating green grass. When studied in the laboratory, Price found these foods to be high in minerals and vitamins, particularly the fat-soluble vitamins, A, D and K2 (Price's "Activator X"). He determined that these traditional diets provided ten times the amount of fat-soluble vitamins compared to the American diet of the 1930s.
Let’s look at the modern pregnancy books’ recommendations regarding these foods that were considered essential to traditional societies.
Nearly every modern pregnancy book I looked at recommended consuming milk and dairy products to ensure an adequate calcium supply. However, not one of the authors points out the fact that calcium from typical store-bought pasteurized milk is poorly absorbed. Nor do they mention the fact that too little phosphorus also inhibits calcium absorption, but the complete destruction of the enzyme phosphotase (needed to assimilate phosphorus) is the standard test for the pasteurization of milk. But instead of recommending raw milk--Nature’s perfect food--they all warn against it! "Drink and eat only pasteurized milk products, and avoid all soft cheeses such as brie, Camembert, Roquefort, feta, and Mexican varieties. These cheeses, as well as unpasteurized milk and raw foods made from it, can give you a form of food poisoning called listeriosis."3
"Pregnant women should completely avoid . . . raw (unpasteurized) milk or foods that contain unpasteurized milk."4
Actually, raw milk is safer than pasteurized milk. Raw milk from healthy, pasture-fed cows has been a staple in many cultures for centuries, and has contributed to fabulous health, not caused disease.
Most of the books recommended using skim milk, reduced-fat cheese, and avoiding butter, in a misguided attempt to keep women from gaining too much weight or to restrict saturated fat and cholesterol--oblivious to the fact that cholesterol and saturated fat are needed for brain development. "Opt for lower-fat versions of the dairy foods that offer such great nutrition benefits: low-fat or nonfat yogurt and milk, nonfat cream cheese and sour cream, reduced-fat cheeses (search out those that are 50% fat reduced)."6
"Because they are an animal source, dairy foods can also contribute to saturated fat and cholesterol intake, so choosing lower-fat or fat-free versions of these foods can help keep your levels down." They claim that "Skim milk has all the important nutrients in the same quantity as low-fat or whole milk."4 But skim milk has none of the fat-soluble vitamins in milk fat that Weston Price found to be so important to maintaining superb health.
A few of the books noted that some people do not digest lactose (milk sugar) in milk well, so they recommend getting calcium from soybeans, tofu, nuts, seeds, broccoli, dark leafy greens, soymilk and fortified orange juice. These authors do not understand that consuming milk in its natural raw state and/or fermented allows many of these so-called "lactose intolerant" people to digest dairy products. They also fail to mention rich bone broths, another excellent source of calcium and other minerals used by many cultures that do not drink milk.
One book, when discussing feeding children, advised against all milk, saying, "Children do not need whole milk. They do not need that for the developing brain. That myth is old, was never true and has been discredited."7 I can see how someone could come to that conclusion. It would seem like an old myth to read that even as late as the 1920s doctors were recommending milk for the treatment of many diseases, and that milk has been viewed as a healthful food far back into antiquity. But at the same time you can find studies in the late 20th century that have linked milk consumption to asthma, frequent ear infections, diabetes and a host of other illnesses. It would seem logical to conclude that milk was never a healthy food, but this conclusion would overlook several important changes that happened to the production of milk during that time frame.
The first important change took place in the late 1800s and early 1900s, when people in cities began confining cows into concentrated feedlots, and feeding them cheap waste material instead of allowing them to graze on green pastures. This led to illness in the cows, and in the people who drank their milk. The second important change was instituted in order to combat the disastrous health effects of these confinement dairies. Around 1910 most American cities required pasteurization and by 1950 most milk was pasteurized. These changes, coupled with homogenization, have changed milk from a health-giving food into a disease-producing substance.
In contrast, Dr. Price found several cultures that relied heavily on the whole raw milk from cows grazing on green pastures. The mountain Swiss and the Masai are prime examples of healthy primitive cultures that depended on the nutritive value of whole raw milk products. Weston Price observed traditional people going to great lengths to obtain foods high in fat-soluble vitamins for pregnant women. "Among the primitive Masai in certain districts of Africa," Dr. Price wrote, "the girls were required to wait for marriage until the time of the year when the cows were on the rapidly growing young grass and to use the milk from these cows for a certain number of months before they could be married." In the Swiss Alps, the butter from cows eating rapidly growing green grass was a sacred food, considered very important for pregnant women. When cows eat rapidly growing green grass, the butterfat they produce contains the highest levels of vitamin A, D and K2 (Activator X), all important catalysts for growth and nutrient assimilation. Traditional societies always consumed their milk, cheese and butter raw and often cultured them, and they valued the bright yellow butter from grass-fed animals.
Some of the other nutritional topics the pregnancy books covered were the basic food categories, vitamin supplements and the subject of vegetarian diets. For more pregnancy diet advice, go here.
And, from
A reader posted a question at the end of the most recent raw milk post about whether it was okay for pregnant women to drink raw milk. Raw dairy products (including cheeses) are on the “don’t” list for expectant mothers because of fear of bacteria. I have long suspected that this was hogwash, and everything in my self-education refutes the entire philosophy behind it.
If I were planning to become pregnant, the first thing I would do is toss out almost many of the current baby/mommy books, because most of them are chuck full of bad advice. This article on the Weston A. Price Foundation’s site articulates some of the ways pregnant women get bad advice on the diet question, and it has a section on raw milk during pregnancy.
We are nothing but a sea of micro-organisms. Bacteria are not our enemies. Without them we would literally die. (I’m going to post more about this soon, it’s just a particularly time-consuming subject.) And pasteurized milk is hardly free of such “germs” anyway. From what I’ve read, milk is not tested after pasteurization to make sure all the allegedly harmful bacteria are destroyed. They simply test to make sure that the healthy enzyme phosphatase has been destroyed (which helps you digest the milk), and then they assume that the “harmful” bacteria are destroyed. Perhaps that’s why all these people died after drinking pasteurized milk. These stats are from a local Weston A. Price chapter:
* 1997, 28 persons ill from Salmonella in California, ALL FROM PASTEURIZED MILK.
* 1996, 46 persons ill from Campylobacter & Salmonella in California. FROM PASTEURIZED MILK.
* 1994, 105 persons ill from E. coil and Listeria in California FROM PASTEURIZED MILK.
* March of 1985 19,660 confirmed cases of Salmonella typhimurium illness FROM CONSUMING PROPERLY PASTEURIZED MILK. Over 200,000 people ill from Salmonella typhimurium in PASTEURIZED MILK
* 1985, 142 cases and 47 deaths traced to PASTEURIZED Mexican-style cheese contaminated with Listeria monocytogenes. Listeria monocytogenes SURVIVES PASTEURIZATION!
* 1985, 1500 persons ill from Salmonella infection
* August of 1984 approximately 200 persons became ill with a Salmonella typhimurium from CONSUMING PASTEURIZED MILK
* November of 1984, another outbreak of Salmonella typhimurium illness from CONSUMING PASTEURIZED MILK
* 1983, over 49 persons with Listeria illness have been associated with the consumption of PASTEURIZED MILK in Massachusetts.
*1993, 28 persons ill from Salmonella infection
*1982, 172 persons ill (100 hospitalized) from a three Southern state area from PASTEURIZED MILK.
*1982, over 17,000 persons became ill with Yersinia enterocolitica from PASTEURIZED MILK bottled in Memphis, Tennessee.
Now, I don’t think the bacteria “caused” their deaths any more than mosquitoes “cause” West Nile Virus. People get sick when their bodies are worn down, when their immune systems can’t take being overworked and under-supported anymore and when they are susceptible. Period. And those principles don’t change just because we are pregnant.
In fact, I think it’s more important to drink raw milk and yogurts during pregnancy than at any other time because the unadulterated probiotics actually prepare the vaginal wall for delivery. A healthy woman with a healthy level of beneficial bacteria in her birth canal actually gives the baby beneficial bacteria during birth to help fight infection in the first few days outside the womb. (I’ll post links/articles about how eating fermented foods can also assist in this process when I find them in my stacks.)
Sorry her links don't work here, if you are interested go here.
So, drink up Hanna! And Pamela. And Kara. And anyone else who is with child along with Clara.
Wish Lists
From home to home, and heart to
heart, from one place to another. The
warmth and joy of Christmas, brings
us closer to each other.
(Emily Matthews)
All I Want for Christmas …
Carla Foote, Director of Media
Even if you keep the gift giving simple, the whole process of making a “wish list” is an interesting glimpse into the minds and hearts of our children. I remember as a child, sitting with the big Sears “Wish Book” and marking pages. I don’t remember what I wished for, but I remember the process being very important to me. With my own children, I’ve tried to minimize the pressure of consumerism by limiting exposure to advertising. We don’t have a television and when they were younger I would even go so far as to hide the advertising fliers in the Sunday paper to avoid the litany of “I want ____.” This helped keep the wishes more reflective of my children’s personalities, rather than the popular “must-haves.”
My daughter would come up with the most unusual requests that gave me a glimpse into how she saw the world and what was important to her. One year she wanted “street signs.” Somehow in her detail mind, when she was playing pretend villages, she needed street signs in the scene. I did finally find a few small wooden street signs to wrap up and put under the tree. At about six or seven, she wanted a whiteboard for her bedroom. I thought it an odd gift, thinking some toy would be more appropriate. But the whiteboard became a visual “diary” for her where she could draw or write notes to herself. Ten years later, it is still in her bedroom, as a journal on the wall, with notes about books to read, personal goals, running and swimming times.
As moms, we can’t and probably shouldn’t make every wish come true for our children. But by listening to their wishes, we can get insight into their view of the world, their distinct way of learning and playing, and their passions. The wish list also gives me insight into how to pray for my children.
Prayer From a Mother's Heart
Dear God, thank you for the unique personality and vision that belongs to my child.
This email reminded me of a recent couple of conversations I had with Brilyn, who is 3 1/2. I aksed her what she thought Santa might bring her for Christmas. She replied, "Well, I already have everything. (pause) But Cade needs a bike." That made my week. Such a simple example of 'Wanting what you have means having what you want.'
But then, a few days later, Brilyn came running out of the playroom to let me know what Santa would bring her- a fishing pole. A pink one.
So like the author of the above story, a child's wish list gives insight into her personality. Brilyn likes outdoor activities. Her idea of what Santa will bring her matches that perfectly.
When I questioned her about what she would use it for, she said, "I'll take daddy fishing, but this time, he can ride on my back and I'll catch the fish."
As you can see, Brilyn has been fishing before. And, her fishing experience on the day the above picture was taken certainly went a long way in developing her outdoor character. Joe fishes the tribs in the winter wearing waders. He walks around in the water to get to the best spots. This day, he went in water too deep as evidenced by my poor little baby's wet feet. The best (worst) part of that story is that she never cried or complained and Joe didn't notice until he took her off his back at the end of the day. Don't worry- no babies were harmed in the making of this story. Her piggies are just fine.
But, I think when she says that daddy can ride on her back she silently thinks, "And daddy can hang there all day with wet feet in the 35 degree weather."
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Final paper
So, please, tell me to stop writing on my blog and start writing my paper. And wish me luck. And congratulate me on completing a 60 credit Master's in Mental Health Counseling.
My paper is about my working theory of how to do supervision of counseling.
It's only 8 pages. Isn't that funny? To say only eight pages? When I started my freshman year at Roberts Wesleyan College, 3 pages stressed me way out. Now, you have to say something like, ah, 35 pages to get the same rise out of me. 8 pages is now one afternoon of work. That is just funny to me when I get retrospective.
So, anyway. Enough of the past and on with the future. Which right now requires an afternoon of work on my part. And my friend Marilyn is watching my kids, so I can write write write. And not on my blog. PLEASE! Someone tell me to go write my paper! The afternoon is slipping away!
Okay enought of that. No, wait- don't you like my new Christmas-y background? Go to to get yours. Cause it's easier to decorate your blog than you house. You don't feel like you have to clean it first. LOL.
Anyway, now I am really going to go write my paper.
Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Bad Day
Let me just add that the turkey I am currently cooking weighs 37 pounds. Yep.
We are currently entering hour 2 of the 9 hour cooking time. Mmm hmm.
And, the weird weather created a down draft for my new woodstove, so I have aired my house out twice today. That means there is snow in my couch. And, that also means that the smell of smoke is what woke me from my sweet dreams this morning. Yep. And that also means- never mind I am not going to complain about Joe in this post.
Also. I did not eat before noon today. That is not good for my body or my mood or my family. And, I am cooking a 37 pound turkey, did I mention that? And then I have to leave for dinner tomorrow by 9:30 in the morning. ! . That means I don't get to watch the bleeping parade. That's all I like to do. Watch the parade. Every year, I say to myself, this year I will stick up for myself and make sure that I get to watch the parade. BUT NO! I am unable to do that. BAH! HUMBUG!
And now I need to clean my house. So I can pack. So I can go visit my family tomorrow after visiting with Joe's family. And, I want to! But I don't want to clean my house and pack! While Joe is happy hunting in the woods. Without children. Bah.
Whoops! No complaining about Joe. Joe is a mostly awesome guy. I am just hungry. And hungry makes me grumpy. As does the current state of my house, and the prospect of packing, and cooking this huge ass turkey. It really does have a huge ass. So the use of a crass word is warranted. Yeah.
Okay, you may be wondering as is my stomach- why don't you go eat something instead of writing this grumpy blog post? So. I will. Go eat, that is. And clean my house. That is cold but still smells like smoke. Bah.
HAPPY THANKSGIVING! From the bottom of my, ah, heart.
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
Wizards in Winter
That's fun, eh?
Monday, November 24, 2008
I found the camera
Just a few pics to let you know what we've been up to.
Big Buck Deer
Big Buck Deer again
Brilyn with the Big Buck Deer
How big was he? Well, let's just say we don't know. Because, we couldn't lift him high enough to get his feet off the floor, he was that long. However, we could weigh his hind quarters, and those were 75 pounds. And he was shot on our lovely prolific 10 acres. It's amazing what you can do with a small piece of land when you employ good management.
And, for Kara's (much belated) birthday- I gave her the mug on the left, to go with my mug on the right so we can have coffee together over the phone.
And finally, I made some head wraps to go with some shirts I bought for my mom. I am proud of my handiwork, and she was really happy to get them in the mail.
My kids are really! squirrely this morning, so I really gotta get going.
Saturday, November 22, 2008
New Arrival
Friday, November 21, 2008
Various quotes
Jocelyn's quote of the day: "The part I don't like about getting up early is the part where I'm in bed and have to get up." Strong philosophical base to that logic, eh? What I meant by that is once I'm up, I'm generally happy and energetic, but not so much while I'm still in bed.
Brilyn's quote of the day: "It's not Christmas yet? But it's SNOWING!"
(Welcome to New York, hunny.)
And, one good thing I learned from Cade this week- unplug the TV. (He's not really supposed to do that though, it's dangerous what with the electricity and all.) As much as I like PBS Kids, sometimes I have just had enough of Sid the Science Kid. And Brilyn gets attitude every once in a while, like zombie attitude. Like, she doesn't want to do anything but look at the TV. So, my new parental leverage is, if you don't have a lovely happy face, I unplug the TV. YAY! Happy day for all.
Well, my BFF is coming to visit me today, so I will go attend to some things now so I don't have to do them later.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Don't forget
I can't write more, I have to go bake pies. And cookies.
This picture is meant to guide your thoughts to a conclusion that if you buy a Mia Bella candle, your house will be this cozy. And actually, it will come close, if you pick the right scent. And, like yesterday, I stole this pic right off the internet. So that's not my fire, and that's not my couch. Although I have a couch that looks a lot like it.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Words this Wednesday
Good news though. The guys are here to install our new woodstove.
That's a picture of our stove model, but ours is green. And that's not our dog.
Speaking of dogs, Clara has a new nickname- Puppy. Because she is the happiest little cow you have ever seen. Each morning as Joe leads her out the pasture, I run ahead with her little grain bucket complete with a garnish of 3 apples. As soon as she sees me put that grain dish down, she starts trotting. And by the time they near the gate, she breaks into a full run and throws her head. This is very funny in real life. Remember this is a full-grown cow we're talking about here.
And, if one of us should take a walk near her fence, she runs over, lets out a big friendly moo, and proceeds to follow us as far as her fence permits. And then she looks at us with big cow eyes. But, I ask myself, what other kind of eyes could she possibly use to look at us?
Anyway. One more thing. Cade likes to talk. And he says just about everything. If you can decipher it. Keep in mind he is only 18 months as of tomorrow. So this morning I put his little amber necklace on him that is reputed to have analgesic properties that could ease his pain of teething. And, as we walk down the stairs, he pats his little neck and says, "Po diddy."
After a few seconds of processing the syllables uttered within context, I say, "Oh. You think your necklace is so pretty." Emphasis on the correct letter sounds.
To which he responds with vigorous nodding of the head and the reiteration of "Po diddy."
And, I hate to gender role the poor child, but I did. I said, "You look very handsome today." And I have ulterior motives on that one. Because, if Joe finds out that Cade thinks he is Po diddy, Joe will make me cut off his golden ringlets. Because, the truth is, Cade really is po diddy.
But, honestly, he's gonna have to be handsome for the rest of his life. This is his only opportunity to be pretty. So indulge me.
And po diddy is a really cute thing to hear a pretty baby say about himself. So to heck with the handsome bit. I'm gonna go kiss my baby's curly head, because he's po diddy.

But, as you can see, the pretty baby doesn't really like his picture taken. LOL.
Monday, November 17, 2008
Nipple confusion
Joe, from right side of cow: "My hand is cramping up, I can barely control where I'm aiming this thing."
Jocelyn, from at least a yard away, on other side of Clara: "Well, that explains it. I kept wondering why you were grabbing my nipple. (pause) And by that I mean Clara's nipple."
LOL. And that's why we have a cow. Because, really, who else out there is having such enriching conversation? And by enriching, I mean hilarious. Because we were laughing really loudly for it being 6:30 a.m. and 25 degrees out.
Our cow venture is going quite well now. We are into the swing of things. Milking, drinking, cheesing, feeding chickens, etc. Clara has gotten used to hand-milking, and so have my hands.
And, 102.5 is playing Christmas music. And Clara likes it, so that's what we listen to in the barn (and the house, but I can't blame that on Clara. Must be Cade.)
Well, one last thing. We also have a magical beer-producing cow. We milk out 2 gallons, and poof! it turns into a growler of beer. Last week it was a delicious wheat ale. This week, there's a growler of cocoa stout in the fridge. Let me just say that this might be the best part of owning and caring for Clara. The beer.
Anyway, I really need to get going. This time of night is supposed to be family time.
Gotta go eat dinner and watch Avonlea.
Saturday, November 15, 2008
Sometimes I am just plain impressed...
I hope you enjoyed that as much as I did.
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Too much to do.
So, it's hard to think of what to write. Hmmm. So, I'm stealing a meme. I didn't actually get memed, but I saw it one someone else's blog who is cool enough to get memed, and now I am stealing it.
It's this:
Rules: Pass it on to five other bloggers, and tell them to open the nearest book to page 56. Write out the fifth sentence on that page, and also the next two to five sentences. The CLOSEST BOOK, NOT YOUR FAVORITE, OR MOST INTELLECTUAL!
Closest book: "Huntin' Camp Tales", compiled by the North American Hunting Club (What can I say? My computer is in a room that Joe decorated. I am surrounded by -let me count-21 pairs of deer antlers. And, 28 assorted hunting books, including the Deer Hunters' Almanac, 1980-present, and "How to Cook His Goose." That's a recipe book. LOL.) Anyway, on to the excerpt.
"It was starting to get pretty dark, so I climbed out of the tree and laid the tracker spool near the trunk. I planned to follow the string on my way out of the woods. If I jumped him, the tracker line would continue to spool out. If I found that the line was broken or the arrow had pulled out, I'd come back and follow him up in the morning."
That is just kind of funny to me. When I started this post, I had no idea where it might go. But, I am happy with this. So a guy shoots an arrow with a STRING attached to it at a deer, and FOLLOWS the string right to the deer. That sounds like something out of a cartoon. It makes me laugh to picture this. It's like, a harpoon. For a deer. LOL. Anyway, I obviously need some of these! I am making them as soon as I get some cranberries.
Ah! Cade is awake. Must go. No more comupter time for me today, I'll wager.
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
Freedom is not free
Sunday, November 09, 2008
Take it to the Lord in prayer...
And, Clara is behaving better and better each milking! And this morning, one of the half-gallon jars of milk from last night's milking had separated: half milk, half cream. Imagine being able to buy 50% milkfat whole milk at the store. Oh wait you can, it's called half and half. LOL!
And all of you dairy folks out does she look? Is she too skinny or just very dairy? Let me know if you think I need to plump her up.
As you can see, she is a snobby cow, maybe even one of those SHOW COWS!
I had to take the video out, sorry. I just got really sick of hearing it though, LOL. Feel free to go here if you really want to watch it again.
Other pics:
Brilyn with her yummy Arkansas Black apple The tree from which she picked said apple
Friday, November 07, 2008
Standing in the need of prayer...
My mom is in the hospital. Please pray.
For her, for me, for my dad, brother, and sister.
I believe in the power of prayer support and ask that you take some time today and lift us up.
“Let not your heart be troubled,” His tender word I hear,And resting on His goodness, I lose my doubts and fears;Though by the path He leadeth, but one step I may see;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Whenever I am tempted, whenever clouds arise,When songs give place to sighing, when hope within me dies,I draw the closer to Him, from care He sets me free;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me;His eye is on the sparrow, and I know He watches me.
Thursday, November 06, 2008
Candle-Sniffing Party
Please come and enjoy the scents of the seasons, mulled cider, and pies and cookies galore!
Why Mia Bella? Mia Bella candles are double wicked, triple scented, soot-free, soy candles. Think you like Yankee Candles? Wait till you smell these.
Super secret: All of the candles I have in stock are 15% off, cash and carry.
All other orders will be in by the second week of December.
When: Thursday, November 20, 6:00 pm
Where: Jocelyn's House
Imaginary Friends and other important things
Brilyn's imaginary friends.
Names and genders:
Collin, boy; Sean, boy, Michael, boy; Cramo, boy; Camela, girl; Kreesa, girl.
So those are just so funny to me. And they are really a big part of her life. For example, she asked if we could take the 'Jeep-car' trick-or-treating so those listed above could come too. (We took the Corolla, but assured her that her friends would be okay in the trunk.)
And Cade. He says really funny things. Like "Yab-uh-dee" and "Bee-duh-buh" a lot.
And, I finally figured out what he has been singing since he was 10 months old. It sounds like "Bee-bah, bee-bah" But now his ability to carry a tune has evolved and I came to realize he is singing the Clean Up Song. "Clean up, clean up" (everybody everywhere. Clean up, clean up, everybody do your share.) He does not yet sing the parts in the parantheses.
So, those are just some things I want to remember about this fleeting stage of my bobbins' development. Because, it really wasn't too long ago that they looked like this:

Wednesday, November 05, 2008
50 Days Until Christmas!
(I promise I won't do it again until I see Santa at the end of the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. )
Wordless Wednesday
Declaring the word of the Lord
And these are the days of his servant Moses
Righteousness being restored
And though these are days of great trials
Of famine and darkness and sword
Still we are the voice in the desert
Crying, prepare ye the way of the Lord
And these are the days of Ezikiel
The dry bones becoming as flesh
And these are the days of your servant David
Rebuilding a temple of praise
And these are the days of the harvest
The fields are as white in your world
Still we are the labourers in your vineyard
Declaring the word of the Lord
Behold he comes
Riding on the clouds
Shining like the sun
At the trumpet's call
So lift your voice
It's the year of Jubilee
For out of Zion's Hill salvation comes
Tuesday, November 04, 2008
And the honeymoon comes to an abrupt end
Which also means I am having a heck of a time typing today. I can't really move my thumbs. Yep. You should know that my mom told me so. She did. I said, "Hey I'm gonna get a cow." She said, "They're stinky, dirty, ornery, and have iron teats. And too much milk. Get a goat." She also said, "You will cry." And today I did.
Yesterday I was in cheesemaking, self-reliant bliss. Today I swore at a dumb (and by that I mean does not speak my language) 1,000 pound animal and cried while attempting to force my spasming hands to SQUEEZE! AGAIN! AGAIN!
I woke up happy and optimistic. I got out to the barn by 6:45. Cade (moaning/shrieking/following baby) was still blissfully asleep. Brilyn was watching pbs kids. Joe was out back bowhunting. Idyllic, right? So I brush my nice warm contented cow. I wash her udder. I calmy take my 13 quart stainless steel bucket, flip over an old chlorine bucket, sit down and start milking. Oh joy! My hands are stronger than yesterday, I am starting to get the knack of milking a cow. (Which is not the same as milking a goat.) I get a half gallon in about 5 minutes. According to what I've read, that's right on with how long it should take me. I empty my pail into a strainer/filter/half gallon Ball jar combo and sit back down to finish my first side. And get smacked squarely in the face by a shitty tail. Gross. As I wipe the nasty crap off my grumpy face, Clara delicately lifted her foot and daintily placed in rightinthemiddle of my bucket. (Swearing).
Stomp off to house to wash the cursed bucket. Go back to the barn. Sternly look Clara in the eye and vow to hang her from the rafters if she does that again. Sit down, put bucket under said cow. Place cow foot in bucket. Cry. Swear. Stomp to house. Make Joe wash bucket. Make Joe come to barn. Make Joe stand in stall in bouncer mode. Sit down, bucket down. Grab teats. Milk.
Now I am thinking things are going to be okay. And then? My hand starts to cramp. Now all I get with each left-handed squeeze is a poorly aimed drip. Joe says, "Here let me empty the bucket so your hand can rest." Then he hands me the bucket back and says, "Okay, hun! See you later." This makes me angry. Because, you see, it is all his fault. If he hadn't gone out hunting this morning, none of this would have happened. I am not sure how the logic flows on that, but I know it must be true. I passionately let him know how I was feeling. And, then my angry feelings carried me through to end of side two. I almost couldn't even feel the bleeding blister that had formed on my left hand index finger. Yeah. And then I did Joe's chores that he was supposed to do but couldn't because first he went hunting and then he played bouncer to THAT COW. And so I got to carry my first buckets of water since I was like 19. And let me just say- I am glad I got a cow because I am most definitely out of shape.
And then, I came in the house (at 8:00!) and praise the Lord (really) I had the forethought to put coffee on before I went out this fateful morning. And I put the toppy top of a bottle of Clara's creamy goodness in my coffee and it was good.
So, now I guess I forgive her. Sort of. But not Joe. Oh wait. I forgive him too. He was compassionate (and smart) enough to give me a call this morning to make sure I was okay. And I am, really. My thumbs just won't bend.
Okay. So now I feel a little better.
Now, for the cheese making. I think I will make some Monterey Jack today. And here are some pics from yesterday's cheesemaking adventure.
Brilyn the everpresent helper
All things measured and ready to go
Warm it up!
88 degrees
The curd is forming
Draining the curd
Warming the curd
Stretched and stored
Making the ricotta
I also made pumpking pie from a real pumpkin for the first time yesterday. It was worth the effort. First I baked the pumpkin at 300 for an hour. Then I took the skin off and pureed the pumpkin. Then I added two fresh eggs, 12 ounces of reduced milk, and spices. Put it in my Pat-a-Pan pie crust and voila! The most delicious pumpkin pie I have ever had.
We also roasted our last roaster chicken for supper last night. Let me just say, we are going to raise about 50 more next year than we did this year. Delicious!
Okay, I now must go and tend to the other things on my list. I just wanted to give a more complete update on my homesteading adventures this morning. (Really, I needed to vent.)
Wait, one more thing.
GO VOTE! GO VOTE! TAKE PEOPLE WITH YOU! Voting is a right AND a RESPONSIBILITY! Do your duty as an American citizen! Celebrate the freedom we have! And make sure you thank a veteran for this awesome privilege. I doubt that it is a coincidence that right after we vote we celebrate those who have fought for our ability to live in safety.
Okay, now I'm done.
Monday, November 03, 2008
How fitting that my 100th post would coincide with my first batch of cheese made from my veryowncow's milk.
I used the directions from this website and I like it better than the one included with my cheese making kit. I like it better because it does not include the use of a microwave. I have mixed thoughts about microwaves, but I certainly don't want to use it on my otherwise raw mozzarella.
I took some pics, but I will have to post them later.
You know why: moaning/shrieking/following baby. I think he hates the computer. It eats his mommy.
PS The cheese is really good.
Sunday, November 02, 2008
Happy happy day. She arrived at around 1:00. She settled happily into her stall in the barn. She took a nap. Then at around 6:00 I went out to brush, milk, and feed her some supper.
I learned some things, but I will have to relate those at another time due to moaning/shrieking/following baby.
What I will do is post a few pics.
New Tractor!
Halloween fun- Can anyone guess what I am?
Cade at the Presbyterian Church Community Trick or Treat
Here are my beets from the fair!
Brilyn with the first deer of the year
Brilyn the Lady Bug
Brilyn at the Presbyterian Community trick or treat
Brilyn with her new friend Clara!
Saturday, November 01, 2008
Now that it is officially November, beware that I am a Christmas enthusiast. I will post some Halloween pics as soon as I find the camera and download them. For today though, here are two great pics I received via email.
Now, don't call DSS or anything, but I am seriously considering this innovative parenting technique. aka Redneck Time-Out

And this...

Happy First Day of November!
Friday, October 31, 2008
"The most eye-opening civics lesson I ever had was while teaching third grade. The presidential election was heating up and some of the children showed an interest. I decided we would have an election for a class president. We would choose our nominees. They would make a campaign speech and the class would vote.
To simplify the process, candidates were nominated by other class members. We discussed what kinds of characteristics these students should have. We got many nominations and from those, Jamie and Olivia were picked to run for the top spot.
The class had done a great job in their selections. Both candidates were good kids. I thought Jamie might have an advantage because he got lots of parental support. I had never seen Olivia’s mother. The day arrived when they were to make their speeches. Jamie went first. He had specific ideas about how to make our class a better place. He ended by promising to do his very best. Every one applauded. He sat down and Olivia came to the podium. Her speech was concise. She said, “If you will vote for me, I will give you ice cream.” She sat down. The class went wild. “Yes! Yes! We want ice cream.”
She surely would say more. She did not have to. A discussion followed. How did she plan to pay for the ice cream? She wasn’t sure. Would her parents buy it or would the class pay for it. She didn’t know. The class really didn’t care. All they were thinking about was ice cream. Jamie was forgotten. Olivia won by a land slide.
Every time Barack Obama opens his mouth he offers ice cream, and fifty percent of America reacts like nine year olds. They want ice cream. The other fifty percent know they’re going to have to feed the cow."
I just want to encourage you to spend some time with God each day. It is such a big help to me as a mommy and all my other roles, as well. If you haven't noticed, there is one book that is perpetually on my blog as one of the books that I am currently reading. It is "Then Sings my Soul." It is a devotional that tells the history behind some of our favorite hymns and gives s scripture verse on which to meditate as well. Today's was especially good, it was about the author of "It is no secret." He was converted at a Billy Graham crusade and was inspired to write the song by none other than John Wayne himself. That's pretty cool. He also wrote "This Ole House" which is one of my favorite gospel songs. (It's on my playlist sung by the Cathedrals.)
Today is Halloween, Brilyn will be a lady bug, Cade a bumble bee. Collin, Brilyn's imaginary friend, is going as a dinosaur. But, don't worry, he's not dangerous, he's just PRETENDING to be a dinosaur. For Halloween. Brilyn wants you to know that.
And, two days till Clara comes! Yesterday, I had Joe buy what I hope to be our last gallon of "store milk" for a very long time.
Also: If any of you interested in buying some WONDERFUL soy candles (No fossil fuels, no lead!) triple scented, double wicked, super lovely scents, let me know. These make great presents and the Christmas Pine is the best smell in the world at Christmas time. I am currently burning the Holiday Memories candle, it smells like a mix of vanilla, orange, clove, and cinnamon. I LOVE it. 18.95 for a large jar candle. (They have the same burn time as the large Yankee Candles, and they are more powerful, they scent my whole house.)
Fruit & Citrus Scents
Angel Wings
Apple Cinnamon
Apples & Peaches
Apricot Freesia
Asian Plum New!
Black Cherry
Cactus & White Peach
Chili Vanilli
Coconut Mango
Coconuts & Lime
Cucumber Melon
Forbidden Fruit
Fresh Apple
Fresh Sweet Mango
Japanese Pear
Juicy Ripe Watermelon
Lemon Verbena
Liquorice & Grapeseed
Oranges & Clove
Peach & Papaya
Pomegranate New!
Sex on the Beach
Sicilian Lemon & Rosemary
Strawberry Kiwi
Sweet Fig & Wildberry New!
Sweet Orange & Chili Pepper
Fresh and Clean Scents
Antique Lace & Linen
Baby Powder
Fresh Laundry
Fresh Linen
Ginger & Cedarwood
Heart of the Ocean
Mediterranean Spa New!
Mountain Pine
Norwegian Wood
Rainforest New!
Sea Breeze
Texas Cedarwood
Scents From the Kitchen
Anise Cookies
Apple Berry Cobbler
Banana Nut Bread
Blueberry Cobbler
Blueberry Muffin
Butter Cream Frosting
Caramel Apple
Chocolate Kiss
Cinnamon Raisin Bun
Coffee Break
Cotton Candy
Creme Brulee
Hot Apple Pie
Hot Orange Danish
Key Lime Pie New!
Orange Creamsicle
Pastry Shoppe
Peppermint Truffle
Pumpkin Cheesecake
Sugar Cookie
Tequila Sunrise
Vanilla Cookie
White Chocolate & Coffee
Holiday Scents
Christmas Essence
Christmas Pine
Holiday Cookies
Holiday Memories New!
Hollyberry Balsam
Home for Christmas
Mulled Cider
Night Before Christmas
Pumpkin Spice
Spiced Cranberry
Perfume & Spice Scents
Country Spice
French Vanilla
Green Tea
Mulberry Spice
Patchouli Spice
Sage & Lavendar
Slate & Stone
Spice Shoppe
Tahitian Spiced Vanilla
Floral Scents
French Lavender
Victorian Rose
Water Lilly & Jasmine
About Me

I love Jesus, my hubby, my 6 kiddos, my farm, good books and good food.